Legend: E6 bike path
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Koppánmonostor – "Treasures" Local Historial Nature Trial This is the mobile version of the website. For full experience please visit from a computer.
Koppánmonostor - ’Treasures’ local historial nature trail represents the material, cultural, natural and built heritages of the township.
The building up of local historial nature trail was started in 2009 initiated by Archers of Komárom Non-profit Organization. Our township’s public domains are enriched by carved benches and public creations made by the acknowledged artists of the Organization and Körösarte Artistic Company. ’Treasures’ local historial nature trail represents the material, cultulral, natural and built heritages of the district located westerly from Komárom city centre and Fort Monostor, and also commemorates the exemplary people who was born in the township. „Adopters” look after the creations and their environment, which serves as strengthening of local identity and community. The local map made for turistic purposes has been effectuated by the subsidy of National Cooperational Fund.